What Blockchain and Private Cloud Solutions Have In Common
Blockchain, the record-keeping technology found in Bitcoin, has made an impact in the banking, investing, and cryptocurrency industries over the past ten years.
The team at OC Cloud 9 wants to share the commonalities between blockchain and private cloud solutions.
What is Blockchain?
While Blockchain may seem complicated, it is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network and is most typically described as a type of database. A database can be defined as a collection of information stored on a computer system, designed to hold large amounts of information. In a database, information can be accessed and filtered quickly and efficiently.
The main difference between a traditional database and a blockchain is the way the data is structured. A blockchain collects information together in groups that hold sets of information. Each block has certain storage capacities and, when filled, is chained onto the previously filled block forming a chain of data that completes the “blockchain.”
Properties of a Blockchain
A blockchain spreads and copies its information across computer networks instead of storing it in a centralized location. As information and blocks are added to the blockchain, each computer is updated to reflect these new changes. With information spread across a network, it increases security and becomes more difficult to tamper with.
A blockchain can also lead to cost reductions. Typically, consumers pay a bank to verify a transaction or a notary to sign a document. With Blockchain, consumers don’t need to utilize third-party verification or its associated costs. With Bitcoin and Ethereum, the verification is outsourced and performed by millions of computers, owned and operated by people all over the world. A small financial incentive is given to those who participate in verifying transactions.
Once a transaction on a blockchain is recorded, its authenticity must be verified by the blockchain network. Thousands of computers rush to confirm that the information is correct. After it has been validated, it is added to the blockchain block. In addition to secure transactions, they are also private. Although they operate as public databases, users cannot acquire identifying information about those making the transaction.
Similarities Between a Blockchain and Private Cloud Solutions
Both blockchain and private cloud computing are playing a vital role in how businesses work and operate. The emergence of both of these systems has benefited current environments and has also changed the game in terms of development, storage, and online transactions.
A private cloud solution offers a secure, virtualized environment presenting opportunities in reducing infrastructure costs, similar to how a Blockchain operates. OC Cloud9, tailors solutions to fit the needs of your company, reducing overall IT costs and ensuring that your data is stored securely.
Want to learn more about private cloud solutions? Discover how OC Cloud9 can tailor solutions for your business.
We established OC Cloud9 to help bring the highest-quality service and cutting-edge innovations in private cloud technology to local businesses in the Southern California area.
Born from Orange County Computer, a cybersecurity and technology repair company with over 20 years of experience in the local area, OC Cloud 9 offers large scale technology solutions and consultancy services to companies and organizations in a wide variety of fields.
Our mission is to treat our customers’ businesses as if they were our own. Too often, we see companies operate with IT solutions that are outdated and ill-fitted to their business. Their current systems don’t align with their company and its goals, or effectively work to achieve them.
OC Cloud9 and Orange County Computer have a proven track record of happy customers with seamless transitions into private cloud hosting. Our beginning-to-end process ensures your business needs are met through extensive research, design, deployment, and implementation of your cloud services.
Learn more about our solutions by visiting our Learning Center or speak with a member of our Cloud Solutions Team any time at our Orange County office by calling 949-449-2808