Suggested Responses to Recent AWS Cloud Outages from Industry Experts
According to a recent study by Opengear, over 30% of the 500 senior IT managers lost more than $1 million in 2020 due to outages. In light of the recent AWS cloud outages which plagued U.S. businesses this past December, many brands are now refocusing their IT efforts for improved design reliability, redundancy, and to account for hybrid work environments.
Read on for some tips on how you can mitigate outage vulnerabilities, and visit the OC Cloud 9 website to see how we virtualize our client’s infrastructure while keeping their data properly protected.
Recent AWS Cloud Outages Call for a Focus on Infrastructure Reliability
If there’s anything that the recent AWS cloud outages have shown us, it’s that even the most well-oiled machines can break down at a moment’s notice. Most notably, these outages brought to light how small failures by the largest companies can create a domino effect which impacts partnered businesses on a national, if not global scale. In other words, even IT giants such as AWS and Microsoft are vulnerable to service issues. Due to this fact, we suggest focusing on the design of your IT infrastructure rather than determining which provider is the “best.” This is where OC Cloud 9 can help out. Our techs will tend to your IT design, such as establishing redundancy and simplifying processes with a hybrid strategy, so that the damage of outages is effectively cushioned.
Establish Redundancy with a Backup Plan
In the world of IT, where data is currency, it’s crucial to have a backup plan in place. Upon the recent AWS cloud outages, many business owners came to appreciate the role of redundancy. Redundancy refers to having alternatives ready to either automatically or manually switch over to in the event of an outage. It’s your cloud service’s responsibility to establish this redundancy at different levels, including your zone, geography, and your service provider. Though in its most basic form, redundancy is the use of backup equipment or extensions that can take over when original hardware or software fail to function. The IT experts at OC Cloud 9 are fully aware of redundancy’s importance when protecting your data, and can put the necessary safeguards in place to prevent loss of revenue due to data loss.
Consider Implementing a Hybrid Strategy
Larger cloud networks tend to be consequently harder to manage and make it more difficult to recover data. However, as discussed in one of our recent blogs, a hybrid work environment has the potential to simplify your business. By using local hardware for redundancy rather than relying on it, modern businesses can cut maintenance costs, save money on remote workforces, and ultimately make it easier to manage your IT infrastructure without the risk of breaches or outages.
Businesses that were hurt by the recent AWS cloud outages learned these lessons the hard way in the form of lost revenue. If you’re planning on switching to a hybrid strategy, it’s recommended that you seek out a trusted local partner to ensure it all falls into place. The techs at OC Cloud 9 are skilled and certified in migrating companies either fully or partially over to a cloud network, with minimal downtime to keep your business running.
Meet the OC Cloud 9 Team
OC Cloud9 and Orange County Computer, Inc. have a proven track record of satisfied clients with seamless transitions into private cloud solutions. Our beginning-to-end process ensures your business needs are met through extensive research, design, deployment, and implementation of your cloud services.
Learn more about our solutions by visiting our Learning Center, or speak with a member of our Cloud Solutions Team any time at our Orange County office by calling 949-699-6619.